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One of the best ways to ‘Get Connected’ at The Potter’s House of Logan, Utah is to jump in and get involved. The Potter's House exists as a local congregation to witness to the world the love of God as revealed in His Son Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, exalted, and soon-returning Savior and King. We seek to teach the Word of God and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Our goal is the shaping and equipping of our church family so that disciples will be nourished and empowered to fulfill their God-ordained purpose. As members of the church, our desire is to bring glory to God through our public and private lives. We do this by rejoicing in Christ Jesus; increasing in the knowledge of God through the study and application of the scriptures; growing in Godly character; practicing Biblical fellowship; serving one another with our spiritual gifts, our time, and our money; by proclaiming the Gospel in Logan, Utah.



Live music including rap, rock, country, and more. Backstage interlaced with teens providing testimonies and involved in drama skits. Backstage is a great tool for teaching this age group with a relative approach to the Gospel.




In addition to our weekly services, we focus on personal evangelism throughout the city every Saturday morning. During the summer we have many outreach ministries that focus on preaching the Gospel in local parks, gathering places, and neighborhoods. 





Join us for Youth Night Fridays at 7 pm. Ages 13-24.

For more information call or text 435-512-0001.



Each Sunday, there is a specific focus of study. Scripture is taught through object lessons, crafts, fun songs and interesting and exciting stories. This is where you want your children to be. We offer a safe, quality children’s ministry for the kids. We go beyond fun as we teach strong biblical principals and communicate values that when acted upon will develop strong character in your children.

Sunday Mornings @ 11 AM

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